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Thoughts and Ideas


In the previous post, I wrote about Yeohyeom that means people (mostly men I can say) hate women without obvious reasons. Then, we can...

Respect ‘others’.

Respect ‘others’. If you don’t respect others, you can’t be respected by others. If you have Yeohyeom (hates women without obvious...

Yeo-hyeom, 여혐?



아줌마, 하우머치 이즈잇 (how much is it)?

일요일 오후에 가족끼리 점심식사를 하러 나갔다. 주말마다 장도보고 커피도 마시고 밥을 먹는 일이 우리 가족에겐 일상이다. 명동에 잘 가는 중국집이 일요일이라 문을 닫은 탓에 한 번도 가보지 않았던 그 옆에 있는 다른 중국집에 가서 먹었는데 맛은...

Ajumma, how much is it?

Today, I went out with my parents to have lunch together. We had Chinese food in Myeong-dong and headed to Dongdaemun area to visit...

Any apps especially for ajummas?

Ajummas are now smart ajummas. They do mobile communication through using their smartphones in their daily lives. It is not a special...

new post is coming soon

I just lost new post that I’ve written 2 mins ago..I had to write this post again. I will post new post asap. Thank you! 지금 방금 블로그에 올리려던...

Digital Ppal-let-ter is now on YouTube as well!

Now you can watch this Digital Ppal-let-ter video on YouTube as well. I just uploaded.Please enjoy watching Digital Ppal-let-ter! 디지털 빨래터...

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